Friday, September 19, 2014

Mighty Meniscus

So, now we live in a new apartment that we really love!  I was really ready to get back on track with my running and life in general.  But, not quite so fast!!!

Yes, just one more hold up.....  my knees -- they are very unhappy!  I have had issues with my left knee for years, but have managed to continue to run, clearly compensating by placing more pressure on the right side of my lower body.  I have made peace with being a lot slower and have been grateful to just be able to keep on running (or jogging, as the case might be).

Well, when packing to move, I had to carry lots of heavy boxes and furniture up and down stairs -- lots of them!  During this process, my right knee finally rebelled!  I went to the orthopedist last Friday, had MRI on Saturday, and by Monday, was told that I have a "significant tear of my medial meniscus."  Oh, and the x-rays on Friday confirmed that my left knee is totally arthritic and in need of a knee replacement at some point.

So, I am disgusted...

 and... quite sad!!!

There will be no running right now, and, of course, the orthopedist informed me that I would be better off swimming or cycling in the future, after a week or two of total rest.  Ughhh - I was born to move!!!  I was born to run!!!  This transition of sorts will not be easy.  I cannot totally give up running but will start cross-training more.  

So, what's next?  I get to start cycling in a few days and will do physical therapy (yes, I will do all the exercises by myself, not with a physical therapist -- I certainly know what I need to do) to see if that can help.  If not, the orthopedist said that arthroscopic surgery would be helpful.

In the mean time, I am getting a cortisone shot in my arthritic knee next Wednesday - yeah! I had one five years ago and it was a big help.  

In the mean time, I just got a new client to coach -- she wants to run 10K's.  I will live vicariously through my running clients for a while.

I miss running.

In some way, shape or form, I will be back! As one of my clients said, "deferred, but not defeated!"

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Starting Over

I have been an MIA blogger over the past 45 days.  This was in no way purposeful, but rather, circumstantial.  

I was thrown a curve ball and finally struck out!

As you may recall from previous blog posts, strike one was dental surgery, strike two was my adverse reaction to the steroids that were prescribed post dental surgery, and "strike three, you're out" was a phone call from our landlord informing us that she decided to put the house that we had been renting for the past seven years on the market -- we needed to move PRONTO!!!

Do you know how much a family of three can accumulate in seven years?  Ughh, TOO MUCH!!!

Alas, my marathon training plans have become no more than good intentions.  The reality was that in order to be able to relocate within our four week deadline, every spare moment had to be devoted to purging and packing, and of course, finding a new, suitable place to live in the same town that we currently resided.

It quickly became apparent that I needed to defer my 2014 NYC Marathon entry to 2015.  I also knew that I would not be properly trained for the September 27th Zooma Half Marathon in Cape Cod, MA so I have wisely withdrawn from that race.

The good news is that we found a great place to live and that my upper body is now extra strong from lifting tons of heavy boxes.  I have truly missed blogging and am glad to "be back!"

Stay tuned for many more posts in the upcoming days and weeks.